
2008.11-2011.10,美国国立卫生研究院,Research fellow
1. 广东省科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖(2022)(第一完成人)
2. 国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家(2021)
3. 广州市黄埔区杰出人才(2021)
4. 臻溪生命科学优秀教育工作者(2020)
5. 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2019)
6. 广州市杰出人才(2019)
7. 中国科学院广州教育基地优秀研究生导师(2018)
8. 中国科学院人才计划终期评估优秀(2017)
9. 中国科学院广州分院优秀青年科学家(2016)  
1. Liu Y#, Hu G#, Yang S, Yao M, Liu Z, Yan C, Wen Y, Ping W, Wang J, Song Y, Dong X, Pan G, Yao H*. 2023. Functional dissection of PRC1 subunits RYBP and YAF2 during neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications. 14(1):7164. 
2. Ping W#, Sheng Y#, Hu G, Zhong H, Li Y, Liu Y-J, Luo W, Yan C, Wen Y, Wang X, Li Q, Guo R, Zhang J, Pan G, Yao H*. 2023. RBBP4 is an Epigenetic Barrier to the Induced Transition of Pluripotent Stem Cells into Totipotent 2C-like Cells. Nucleic Acids Research. 51(11):5414-5431. 
3. Dong X#, Guo R#, Ji T, Zhang J, Xu J, Li Y, Sheng Y, Wang Y, Fang K, Wen Y, Liu B, Hu G, Deng H, Yao H*. 2022. YY1 Safeguard Multidimensional Epigenetic Landscape associated with Extended Pluripotency. Nucleic Acids Research. 50(21):12019-12038. 
4. Song Y#, Liang Z#, Zhang J#, Hu G#, Wang J, Li Y, Guo R, Dong X, Babarinde IA, Ping W, Sheng YL, Li H, Chen Z, Gao M, Chen Y, Shan G, Zhang MQ, Shan G, Hutchins AP, Fu X-D*, Yao H*. 2022. CTCF Functions as an Insulator for Somatic Genes and a Chromatin Remodeler for Pluripotency Genes during Reprogramming. Cell Reports. 39(1):110626. 
5. Hu G#, Dong X#, Gong S#, Song Y, Hutchins AP, Yao H*. 2020. Systematic Screening of CTCF Binding Partners Identifies that BHLHE40 Regulates CTCF Genome-wide Distribution and Long-range 6)Li Y#, Song Y#, Xu W#, Li Q#, Wang X, Li K, Wang J, Liu Z, Velychko S, Ye R, Xia Q, Wang L, Guo R, Dong X, Zheng Z, Dai Y, Li H, Yao M, Xue Y, Schöler H.R., Sun Q*, Yao H*. 2020. R-Loops Coordinate with SOX2 in Regulating Reprogramming to Pluripotency. Science Advances. Eaba0777. 
6. Li J#, Huang K#, Hu G#, Babarinde IA, Li Y, Dong X, Chen Y-S, Shang L, Guo W, Wang J, Chen Z, Hutchins AP, Yang Y-G, Yao H*. 2019. An Alternative CTCF Isoform Antagonizes Canonical CTCF Occupancy and Changes Chromatin Architecture to Promote Apoptosis. Nature Communications. 10(1): 1535. 
7. Yao M, Zhou X, Zhou J, Gong S, Hu G, Li J, Huang K, Lai P, Shi G, Sun H, Wang H, Yao H*. 2018. PCGF5 is Required for Neural Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells. Nature Communications. 9(1):1463. 
8. Li H#, Lai P#, Jia J#, Song Y, Xia Q, Huang K, He N, Ping W, Chen J, Yang Z, Li J, Yao M, Dong X, Zhao J, Hou C, Esteban MA, Gao S, Pei D, Hutchins AP, Yao H*. 2017. RNA Helicase DDX5 Inhibits Reprogramming to Pluripotency by miRNA-based Repression of RYBP and its PRC1-dependent and -independent Functions. Cell Stem Cell. 20(4):462-477.
9. Li W#, Shang L#, Huang K, Li J, Wang Z, Yao H*. 2017. Identification of Critical Base Pairs Required for CTCF Binding in Motif M1 and M2. Protein & Cell. 8: 544-549. 
10. 一种融合蛋白及其应用,国内专利,专利号:ZL202011308076.2,授权日期:2023年10月03日, 排序:姚红杰、李尧益、王新秀、黄赛南。