
本课题组主要从事两方面的研究。其一,基于代谢流探索营养干预慢阻肺和肺癌。本课题组在世界上首次实现了在体代谢反应速率和器官间代谢物交换速率的规模性测算(Cell Metabolism, 2023)。我们将对算法和代谢模型进行进一步优化以提高计算精度,完整测算饮食、性别、昼夜节律等对不同器官各代谢反应速率的影响,搭建统一的代谢数学模型,为仿真代谢干预打下基础,结合慢阻肺和肺癌小鼠模型,探索营养干预的最佳策略并验证。其二,基于生成型人工智能模型探索肺癌的精准治疗途径。本课题组首次实现基于StyleGAN的转录组人工智能模型训练(www.transcriptomeportraits.com)并获得发明专利。我们将通过对大数据模型的训练,测算个性化的肿瘤起源及发展路径,筛选肿瘤治疗靶点,结合营养代谢干预和小鼠肺癌模型,探索个性化、精准化的的肿瘤治疗方法,特别是可能的肿瘤营养干预手段。
1. 国家重大人才项目入选者(青年)
2. 广州市黄埔区精英人才
1.Qishan Chen , Hu Li , He Tian, Sin Man Lam , Yilie Liao , Ziyin Zhang , Manyuan Dong , Shaoru Chen , Yuxiao Yao, Jiemiao Meng , Yong Zhang , Lemin Zheng, Zhuo-Xian Meng, Weiping Han, Guanghou Shui, Dahai Zhu, Suneng Fu* .  2023/04/06. Global Determination of Metabolic Reaction Rates in Mus Musculus. Cell Metabolism . Volume 35,Issue 4, Pages 711-721.e4
2.Ning Li, Yilie Liao, Haipeng Huang, Suneng Fu*. 2022/06/28. Co-regulation of hepatic steatosis by ferritinophagy and unsaturated fatty acid supply. Heeepatology Communications. 6:2640-2653
3.Xiaojie Bai, Yilie Liao, Fangfang Sun, Xia Xiao, Suneng Fu*. 2021/09/07. Diurnal regulation of oxidative phosphorylation restricts hepatocyte proliferation and inflammation. 
cell report. 36(10)
4.Lei Liu, Tian Li, Yilie Liao, Yalong Wang, Yang Gao, Haikun Hu, Haipeng Huang, Fang Wu, Ye-Guang Chen, Shuhua Xu,  Suneng Fu*. 2020/10/6. Triose Kinase Controls the Lipogenic Potential of Fructose and Dietary Tolerance. Cell Metabolism . 32,605-618  
5.Fangfang Sun, Yilie Liao, Xingfan Qu, Xia Xiao, Shaocong Hou, Zheqin Chen, Haipeng Huang, Pingping Li, Suneng Fu*. 2020/2//11. Hepatic DNAJB9 Drives Anabolic Biasing to Reduce Steatosis and Obesity. cell report.  30,1835-1847
6.Suneng Fu, Abdullah Yalcin, Grace Y. Lee, Ping Li,Jason Fan, Ana Paula Arruda,Benedicte M. Pers, Mustafa Yilmaz,Kosei Eguchi, Gökhan S.Hotamisligil1. 2015/06/17. Phenotypic assays identify azoramide as a small-molecule modulator of the unfolded protein response with antidiabetic activity. Science Translational Medicine. 7(292), 292ra98.
7.Suneng Fu,Jason Fan, Joshua Blanco, Alfredo Gimenez-Cassina, Nika N. Danial, Steve M. Watkins,Go¨ khan S. Hotamisligil. 2012/08. Polysome Profiling in Liver Identifies Dynamic Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Translatome by Obesity and Fasting. PLOS Genetics. Volume 8,Issue 8,e1002902.
8.Suneng Fu,Ling Yang, Ping Li, Oliver Hofmann, Lee Dicker, Winston Hide, Xihong Lin, Steven M. Watkins,Alexander R. Ivanov1 & Go¨khan S. Hotamisligil1.2011/05/26.
Aberrant lipid metabolism disrupts calcium homeostasis causing liver endoplasmic reticulum stress in obesity. Nature. 473(7348), 528–531.
9.转录组图像生成装置,方法和应用. 中国. 202210368372.4. 2023/04. 1/1