
 2002-09 至 2006-07, 河北大学, 生物技术, 学士 
 2006-09 至 2012-07, 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院, 发育生物学,博士
2012-07 至 2014-01, 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院, 助理研究员 
2014-04 至 2021-10, New York University School of Medicine,博士后 
2022-01 至今, 广州医科大学, 呼吸疾病全国重点实验室, PI 
2022-10 至今, 广州实验室, PI(兼职)
王磊,广州实验室基础研究部研究员,广州医科大学呼吸疾病全国重点实验室研究员,“南山学者”特聘教授,博士生导师,国家海外高层次引进人才。研究聚焦呼吸道粘液纤毛清除系统损伤相关的呼吸疾病,包括慢阻肺、新冠和其他呼吸道病毒、原发性纤毛运动障碍,支气管扩张,哮喘等。研究方向为:1. 粘液纤毛清除系统损伤的早期诊断;2. 粘液纤毛清除系统的损伤机制;3. 恢复/增强粘液纤毛清除功能的药物研发;4. 靶向呼吸道上皮的药物递送系统的开发。代表作包括:Cell Research. 2022,Nature Communications. 2018,Elife. 2016,Development. 2013&2018,Developmental Dynamics. 2008。2016至2018年获得美国部级博士后培育奖(DOD Postdoctoral Training Award, USA)。主持国家重大人才项目(青年)和国自然面上项目。
1. 国家重大人才项目(青年)2023-2025
2. DOD Prostate Cancer Research Program, Postdoctoral Training Award, USA, 2016-2018
1.Wang, L.*, Paudyal, S., Kang, Y., Owa, M., Liang, F., Spektor, A. Knaut, H., Sánchez, I., and Dynlacht, B. D*. (2022). Regulators of tubulin poly-glutamylation control nuclear shape and cilium disassembly by balancing microtubule and actin assembly. Cell Research. PMID: 34782749.(*共同通讯作者)
2.Wang, L., Failler, M., Fu, W., and Dynlacht, B. D*. (2018). A distal centriolar protein network controls organelle maturation and asymmetry. Nature Communications. PMID: 30258116. 
3.Wang, L.*, and Dynlacht, B. D. *(2018). The regulation of cilium assembly and disassembly in development and disease. Development. PMID: 30224385.(*共同通讯作者)
4.Wang, L.#, Lee, K.#, Malonis, R., Sanchez, I., and Dynlacht, B. D*. (2016). Tethering of an E3 ligase by PCM1 regulates the abundance of centrosomal KIAA0586/Talpid3 and promotes ciliogenesis. eLife. PMID: 27146717. 
5.Wang, L#., Fu, C.#, Fan, H., Du, T., Dong, M., Chen, Y., Jin, Y., Zhou, Y., Deng, M., Gu, A*., Jing Q. *, Liu T.*, and Zhou Y*. (2013). miR-34b regulates multiciliogenesis during organ formation in zebrafish. Development. PMID: 23698347.
6.Wang, L.#, Zhang, Y.#, Zhou, T., Fu, Y. F., Du, T. T., Jin, Y., Chen, Y., Ren, C. G., Peng, X. L., Deng, M., and Liu, T*. (2008). Functional characterization of lmo2-Cre transgenic zebrafish. Developmental dynamics. PMID: 18627109. 
7.Fu, W., Wang, L., Kim, S., Li, J., and Dynlacht, B. D. (2016). Role for the IFT-A complex in selective transport to the primary cilium. Cell Reports. PMID: 27806291.