
2015.12-2020.08,Teaxs A&M University,研究助理科学家
2020.09-2021.09,Teaxs A&M University,助理教授
研究领域为计算表观遗传学,主要利用生物信息学方法通过系统深入挖掘多组学大数据(单细胞转录组、单细胞表观组、DNA/组蛋白修饰组和染色体3D组等),探索重大疾病的发生机制,并以此为基础开发新型基于表观分子标记的液体活检技术,用以早期检测重大呼吸疾病的发生、监测病情发展和评估治疗效果。已发表SCI论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯含共同作者发表在Nature Cell Biology,Sci Adv,Nat Aging,Nat Commun(3篇)等10余篇(其中IF>10的12篇),被引用超过950余次,h-index 20,曾主持完成美国项目1项,现主持国自然面上1项,广州市重点项目1项。
1. 广州医科大学南山学者“优秀人才”
1. Perturbing TET2 condensation promotes aberrant genome-wide DNA methylation and curtails leukemia cell growth; Nature Cell Biology. 2024;IF:21.3, I区(倒数第二共通讯)

2. Hong T, Li J, et al. TET2 modulates spatial relocalization of heterochromatin in aged hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Nature Aging. 2023 Oct 26:1-4.(共一/共通讯)

3. Yang P, Luo Q, Wang X, Fang Q, Fu Z, Li J, et al. Comprehensive analysis of fibroblast activation protein expression in interstitial lung diseases. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2023 Jan 15;207(2):160-72.(共一)

4. Li J, Hong T, et al. Aberrant DNA hydroxymethylation reshapes transcription factor binding in myeloid neoplasms. Clinical epigenetics. 2022 Dec;14(1):1-4. (第一作者)

5. Zhao S, Li J, Zhang H, et al. Epigenetic alterations of repeated relapses in patient-matched childhood ependymomas. Nature communications. 2022 Nov 5;13(1):6689. (共一)

6. Fang S, Cui D, …, Li J, Huang Y. Ten-Eleven Translocation Ablation Impairs Cardiac Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells. 2022 Mar 1;40(3):260-72. (倒数第二共同通讯)

7. Chen YS, Li J, et al. Dietary spinach reshapes the gut microbiome in an Apc-mutant genetic background: mechanistic insights from integrated multi-omics. Gut Microbes. 2021 Jan 1;13(1):1972756. (共一)

8. Yin Y, Li J, Li J, et al. LiBis: an ultrasensitive alignment augmentation for low-input bisulfite sequencing. Briefings in bioinformatics. 2021 Jul;22(4):bbaa332. (共一)

9. Li J, Zhao S, Lee M, et al. Reliable tumor detection by whole-genome methylation sequencing of cell-free DNA in cerebrospinal fluid of pediatric medulloblastoma. Science advances. 2020 Oct 16;6(42):eabb5427. (第一作者)

10. Guo L, Li J, et al. A combination strategy targeting enhancer plasticity exerts synergistic lethality against BETi-resistant leukemia cells. Nature communications. 2020 Feb 6;11(1):740. (共一)