
2005.07-2007.02,新加坡,A*STAR ,实验室技术员
2007.05-2009.03,新加坡,A*STAR ,助理研究员
2009.04-2015.06,新加坡,A*STAR ,高级助理研究员(兼职)
2015.07-2015.11,新加坡,A*STAR ,博士后研究员
LIM CHUN YAN(林俊彦)是新加坡籍细胞生物学专家,广州实验室基础研究部研究员,研究方向为细胞信号转导与溶酶体生物学。主要研究成果发表在Nature Cell Biology、Developmental Cell、Nature Communications、Journal of Cell Biology等知名学术期刊,文章总引用逾1500次。课题组主要研究方向为(1)溶酶体功能与感染免疫应答;(2)细胞器通讯、应激与稳态调控;(3)细胞营养代谢与COPD病变。目前作为课题负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项(2022.1-2025.12),并于2022年入选国家重大人才项目(青年)和广州市黄埔区精英人才,曾担任国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家、国家卫健委专项评审,主持美国细胞生物学会与欧洲分子生物学会联合学术会议‘信号与代谢’分论坛。
1.Lim CY, Davis O, Shin HR, Zhang J, Berdan CA, Jiang X, Counihan JL, Ory DS, Nomura DK, Zoncu R.* (2019) ER-lysosome contacts enable cholesterol sensing by mTORC1 and drive aberrant growth signaling in Niemann-Pick type C. Nature Cell Biology. 21 (10): 1206-1218.
2.Shin HR, Citron YR, Wang L, Tribouillard L, Goul CS, Stipp R, Sugasawa Y, Jain A, Samson N, Lim CY, Davis OB, Castaneda-Carpio D, Qian M, Nomura DK, Perera RM, Park E, Covey DF, Laplante M, Evers AS, Zoncu R.* (2022) Lysosomal GPCR-like protein LYCHOS signals cholesterol sufficiency to mTORC1. Science. 377 (6612): 1290–1298.
3.Shrestha MM, Lim CY, Bi X, Robinson RC, Han W*. (2021) Tmod3 Phosphorylation Mediates AMPK-Dependent GLUT4 Plasma Membrane Insertion in Myoblasts. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 12:653557.
4.Lim CY, Zoncu R.* (2016) The lysosome as a command-and-control center for cellular metabolism. Journal of Cell Biology. 214 (6): 653-664.
5.Rebecca VW, Nicastri MC, McLaughlin N, Fennelly C, McAfee Q, Ronghe A, Nofal M, Lim CY, Witze E, Chude CI, Zhang G, Alicea GM, Piao S, Murugan S, Ojha R, Levi SM, Wei Z, Barber-Rotenberg JS, Murphy ME, Mills GB, Lu Y, Rabinowitz J, Marmorstein R, Liu Q, Liu S, Xu X, Herlyn M, Zoncu R, Brady DC, Speicher DW, Winkler JD, Amaravadi RK.* (2017) A unified approach to targeting the lysosome's degradative and growth signaling roles. Cancer Discovery. 7 (11): 1266-1283.
6.Lim CY, Bi XZ, Wu D, Kim JB, Gunning PW, Hong W, Han W.* (2015) Tropomodulin3 is a novel Akt2 effector regulating insulin-stimulated GLUT4 exocytosis through cortical actin remodeling. Nature Communications. 6 (1): 1-15.
7.Lim CY, Hong W, Han W.* (2015) Adiponectin is released via a unique regulated exocytosis pathway from a pre-formed pool of vesicles upon insulin stimulation. Biochemical Journal. 471 (3): 381-389.
8.Lim CY, Han W.* (2014) Tropomodulin3 as the link between insulin-activated Akt2 and cortical actin remodeling in preparation of GLUT4 exocytosis. Bioarchitecture. 4 (6): 210-214.
9.Liu Z#, Lim CY#, Su MY#, Soh SL, Shui G, Wenk MR, Grove K, Radda GK, Han W, Xiao X.* (2013) Neonatal Overnutrition in the Mice Exacerbates High Fat Diet Induced Metabolic Perturbations. Journal of Endocrinolog. 219 (2): 131-143.