
田鲁亦,研究员,国家重大人才项目入选者(青年),博士毕业于墨尔本大学生物医学专业,之后在美国博德研究所(Broad Institute)从事研究工作,2022年11月加入广州实验室。研究聚焦单细胞组学,空间组学以及纳米孔测序的新技术开发和相关算法研发,并使用这些新技术和新算法研究免疫学和呼吸疾病中的重要生物学问题。以第一或通讯作者在Nature Methods,Nature Immunology,Immunity(封面文章),Nature Genetics,Nature Biotechnology,Blood,STTT,Genome Biology等在内的专业杂志发表高水平论文,他引超过1800次、H-index为16。
1.Abhishek Sampath Kumar, Luyi Tian, Adriano Bolondi, Amèlia Aragonés Hernández, Robert Stickels, Helene Kretzmer, Evan Murray, Lars Wittler, Maria Walther, Gabriel Barakat, Leah Haut, Yechiel Elkabetz, Evan Z. Macosko, Léo Guignard, Fei Chen & Alexander Meissner. Spatiotemporal transcriptomic maps of whole mouse embryos at the onset of organogenesis. Nature Genetics. 2023 July;1061-4036,55(7):1176-1185.
2.Thijssen R, Tian L, Anderson MA, Flensburg C, Jarratt A, Garnham AL, Jabbari JS, Peng H, Lew TE, Teh CE, Gouil Q, Georgiou A, Tan T, Djajawi TM, Tam CS, Seymour JF, Blombery P, Gray DHD, Majewski IJ, Ritchie ME, Roberts AW, Huang DCS.Single-cell multiomics reveal the scale of multilayered adaptations enabling CLL relapse during venetoclax therapy. Blood.2022 NOV 17;0006-4971,140 (20): 2127–2141.
3.Tian L, Chen F, Macosko EZ. The expanding vistas of spatial transcriptomics. Nature Biotechnology . 2023 Jun;1087-0156,41(6):773-782. 
4.Tian L, Jabbari JS, Thijssen R, Gouil Q, Amarasinghe SL, Voogd O, Kariyawasam H, Du MRM, Schuster J, Wang C, Su S, Dong X, Law CW, Lucattini A, Prawer YDJ, Collar-Fernández C, Chung JD, Naim T, Chan A, Ly CH, Lynch GS, Ryall JG, Anttila CJA, Peng H, Anderson MA, Flensburg C, Majewski I, Roberts AW, Huang DCS, Clark MB, Ritchie ME. Comprehensive characterization of single-cell full-length isoforms in human and mouse with long-read sequencing. Genome Biology. 1474-760X,2021 Nov 11;22(1):310. 
5.Zhao XN, You Y, Cui XM, Gao HX, Wang GL, Zhang SB, Yao L, Duan LJ, Zhu KL, Wang YL, Li L, Lu JH, Wang HB, Fan JF, Zheng HW, Dai EH, Tian LY, Ma MJ. Single-cell immune profiling reveals distinct immune response in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients. Signal Transduct Target Ther.2095-9907, 2021 Sep 16;6(1):342.
6.Tian L, Tomei S, Schreuder J, Weber TS, Amann-Zalcenstein D, Lin DS, Tran J, Audiger C, Chu M, Jarratt A, Willson T, Hilton A, Pang ES, Patton T, Kelly M, Su S, Gouil Q, Diakumis P, Bahlo M, Sargeant T, Kats LM, Hodgkin PD, O'Keeffe M, Ng AP, Ritchie ME, Naik SH. Clonal multi-omics reveals Bcor as a negative regulator of emergency dendritic cell development. Immunity. 2021 Jun 8;1074-7613,54(6):1338-1351.
7.Amann-Zalcenstein D, Tian L, Schreuder J, Tomei S, Lin DS, Fairfax KA, Bolden JE, McKenzie MD, Jarratt A, Hilton A, Jackson JT, Di Rago L, McCormack MP, de Graaf CA, Stonehouse O, Taoudi S, Alexander WS, Nutt SL, Ritchie ME, Ng AP, Naik SH. A new lymphoid-primed progenitor marked by Dach1 downregulation identified with single cell multi-omics. Nature Immunolology. 2020 Dec;1529-2908,21(12):1574-1584.
8.Tian L, Dong X, Freytag S, Lê Cao KA, Su S, JalalAbadi A, Amann-Zalcenstein D, Weber TS, Seidi A, Jabbari JS, Naik SH, Ritchie ME. Benchmarking single cell RNA-sequencing analysis pipelines using mixture control experiments. Nat Methods. 2019 Jun; 1548-7091,16(6):479-487.