
2020.01-2020.08  丹娜—法伯癌症研究所/哈佛医学院  博士后研究员
2020.08-2023.03  博德研究所/波士顿儿童医院/哈佛医学院  博士后研究员
于福龙,广州实验室研究员,广州医科大学特聘教授,呼吸疾病全国重点实验室PI,入选国家重大人才项目(青年)。课题组的研究聚焦于群体遗传学,单细胞基因组学和人工智能技术方面的新算法和工具的研发,并使用这些新技术和方法研究基因组序列的调控规则和呼吸系统相关疾病中的重要生物学问题。目前发表论文29篇,其中(共同)一作/通讯10篇,开发的SCAVENGE和HemeMap等算法被Nature Genetics等报道。多次受邀作为独立审稿人在Nature Communications,Genome Biology和eLife等杂志评审论文数十次。任杂志BMC Bioinformatics编委会委员,Cells特刊客座编辑。
1.Yu F, Cato LD, Weng C, Liggett LA, Jeon S, Xu K, Chiang CWK, Wiemels JL, Weissman JS, de Smith AJ, Sankaran VG*. 2022. Variant to function mapping at single-cell resolution through network propagation. Nature Biotechnology. 1087-0156
2.Voit R#, Tao L#, Yu F#, Cato L, Cohen B, Liao X, Claudia F, Nandakumar S, Wahlster L, Kristian T, Regev A*, Sankaran VG*. 2022. A genetic disorder reveals a hematopoietic stem cell regulatory network co-opted in leukemia. Nature Immunology. 1529-2908
3.Yu F#, Li K#, Li S#, Liu J, Zhang Y, Zhou M, Zhao H, Chen H, Wu N, Liu Z*, Su J*. 2020. CFEA: a cell-free epigenome atlas in human diseases. Nucleic Acids Res. 0305-1048
4. Yu F#, Quan F#, Xu J#, Zhang Y#, Xie Y, Zhang J, Lan Y, Yuan H, Zhang H, Cheng S*, Xiao Y*, Li X*. 2019. Breast cancer prognosis signature: linking risk stratification to disease subtypes. Brief Bioinform. 1467-5463
5.Yu F, Sankaran VG, Yuan GC*. 2021. CUT&RUNTools 2.0: A pipeline for single-cell and bulk-level CUT&RUN and CUT&Tag data analysis. Bioinformatics. 1367-4803
6.Zhang Y#, Zhang Y#, Hu J#, Zhang J, Guo F, Zhou M, Zhang G*, Yu F*, Su J*. 2020. scTPA: a web tool for single-cell transcriptome analysis of pathway activation signatures. Bioinformatics. 1367-4803
7.Yu F#, Zhang G#, Shi A#, Hu J, Li F, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Huang J, Xiao Y*, Li X*, Cheng S*. 2018. LnChrom: a resource of experimentally validated lncRNA-chromatin interactions in human and mouse. Database (Oxford). 1758-0463
8.Weng C, Yu F, Yang D, Poeschla M, Liggett L, Jones M, Qiu X, Wahlster L, Caulier A, Hussmann J, Min K, Yost K, Koblan L, Hammond A, Ssozi D, Bueno R, Mallidi H, Kreso A, Galen P, Weissman J*, Sankaran V*. Deciphering cell states and genealogies of human hematopoiesis. Nature.